The moment you've been waiting for – USS Beale 2019 Reunion – Bay City, MI
SEP 12 through 15, 2019
General information
COORDINATORS: LeRoy and Donelda Thurn
Contact LeRoy at (320) 233-7340 or eMail at ldtretired@frontier.com
DATES: Sep 12 through 15, 2019, arrive on Thursday and depart on Sunday
WHERE: Bay City, MI
HOTEL: Comfort Inn and Suites – Riverfront, Bay City, MI
ROOM RATE: $89.00 plus tax … suites available at higher rate … breakfast included
USS EDSON DD946, Sherman Class destroyer
Naval Museum
Lake Huron
Bay City antique and arts shopping
Frankenmuth, MI shopping and HUGE Christmas store
Detroit airport – 123 miles with direct flights
Flint airport – 51 miles with direct and connecting flights
Saginaw airport – 15 miles with connecting flights only
Hotel to EDSON – 2 miles
Hotel to American Legion – less than 5 miles
Hotel to Frankenmuth – 22 miles
Google on Bay City MI Tourism for lots of info
Google on Comfort Inn Bay City MI for more info
See POD and Registration Form below
USS Beale DD/DDE-471
2019 Annual Reunion
The Plan of the Day lists scheduled events as we know them. Should there be any changes, a new POD will be issued or changes will be posted in the Hospitality Room
Thursday, September 12th
3:00 PM Comfort Inn Suites
Riverfront, Bay City MI (989) 892-3501
Check-in – If you arrive earlier, pending room availability, you can go to your room then. There may be an “early check-in” fee if you arrive very early
4:00 PM – Until ? Hospitality Room – open for your convenience
Beverages & Snackage available
Dinner on your own
Friday, September 13th
7:00 – 10:00 AM Hotel Breakfast Buffet – included in room rate
9:00 – 10 AM Hospitality Room – open for your convenience
10:00 - 10:30 AM Short drive to USS Edson DD 946 – car pool/buddy-up
11:00 - 2:00 PM Aboard the USS Edson
Crew Meeting
Memorial Service
Ship Tour - guided or on your own
Lunch - Good Ol' Navy Chow!
Cost - $22.00 per person
3:00 – 4:30 PM Free time in Bay City
9:00 AM – 5:30 PM Hospitality Room – open for your convenience
4:30 – 5:PM Short drive to American Legion Post 18 - carpool/buddy-up
5:00 – Until ??? PM Fish-fry dinner at the Legion,
Walleye & Lake Huron fish, Cod
Potato, Veggies, Salad and fixings
Cost - $20.00/person
Bar – pay as you go
The Hospitality Room will be open upon return to hotel.
Saturday, September 14th
7:00AM –10:00 AM Hotel Breakfast Buffet – included in room rate
9:00 AM – 5:30 PM Hospitality Room – open for your convenience
Until -4:30 PM Free time in Bay City, Frankenmuth, etc.
Lunch on your own
4:30 – 5:00 PM Short drive to American Legion Post 18
5:00PM – 6:30 PM Dinner in the Legion Banquet Room
Baked ham, Roast chicken or both
Potato, Vegetable, relish tray, salad, tea, coffee
Cost $20.00/per person
Following Dinner - Speaker to be named
6:30PM – 9:00 PM Raffles & Auction
Fundraiser results will be on the website and emailed to you
The Hospitality Room will be open upon return to hotel
Sunday, September 15th
7:00AM – 10:00 AM Hotel Breakfast Buffet – included in room rate
9:00 AM – 11:00 AM Hospitality Room – open for your convenience
By 11:00AM Check-out unless you are staying an extra day(s)
USS Beale DD/DDE-471 2019 Reunion
Guest(s) (if applicable):____________________________________
Address: Street/PO Box:__________________________________
Telephone: (________) ________ - _____________
Email address:________________________@________________
What years were served on USS Beale:______________________
Were you a Plank Owner: ______________ 1942 or 1951
What was your Rank or Rate: _________________
Will you be staying at the Comfort Inn Suites or elsewhere?_____________________
Lunch, FRIDAY, 9/13 aboard USS EDSON DD 946
Good ol' Navy Chow and donation to USS Edson
Total meals: ____________________(x) $22.00 = _____________ (A)
Total meals: ____________________(x) $20.00 = _____________ (B)
Dinner – SATURDAY, 9/14: Dinner Banquet@ AMERICAN Legion
Baked ham, roasted chicken
Total meals: _____Baked Ham (x) $20.00 = ___________________(C)
Total meals: _____Roasted Chicken (x) $20.00 = _______________(D)
Total of amount (ADD lines (A) + (B) + (C) +(D): _______________ Total
Total amount of check:____________________________________
Make your check payable to: USS Beale Association Inc.
Please mail this form with your check enclosed
no later than June 15, 2019 to:
LeRoy Thurn
6509 School St. N
Finlayson, MN 55735-0252
Email: ldtretired@frontier.com, Telephone: (320) 233-7340
Alternate Contact: Bill Brings, Email: boilerbum81@msn.com,
Telephone: (321) 473-8497