USS Beale Dd/DDE 471 2020 ReunIon
New Orleans, LA
Sep 27, 28, 29, 30, OCT 1, 2020
The Reunion that never happened!

01 April 2020 Update
Good news! Diann Sorola has completed all planning and arrangements for the USS Beale 2020 Reunion.. She is ready to host the event. The entire crew should extend their thanks to Diann for all she has done. A real BRAVO ZULU!
We are encouraging all who plan to attend to send their registrations to Diann. Also the website has hotel reservation instructions and other important information. Please remember, your registration fees will be refunded if you cannot attend the reunion. Hotel reservations can be canceled without penalty if cancellation occurs at least 7 days before your arrival date.
Our Board of Directors (BOD) has exchanged their opinions on the USS Beale 2020 reunion. The BOD is in complete agreement on having a “wait and see” period through the end of May. At that time it will review the then current conditions and advice from expert sources. The BOD will then make a decision to either cancel the 2020 reunion or to wait until the end of May before making a final decision.
Our aging shipmates are vulnerable to COVID-19. Many of us would have to fly to New Orleans. Flying is not advisable for our age group. Large gatherings such as reunions are out of the question. We don't know if the Higgins Hotel will be open in late September. Will New Orleans have restrictions prohibiting large groups, etc. We also discussed how difficult it would be to “re-plan” a 2020 reunion once it has been canceled. We agree this would be a nightmare. Also, the BOD feels it's “good” to continue giving the crew something positive to look forward to. We took all of these factors and more into consideration. So, lets “wait and see”.
The White House Task force has issued guidelines and directives on mitigating the virus such as social distancing, washing hands, not touching your face, staying home, etc. Also, they are carefully coordinating development of new therapeutic treatments for those already infected and new vaccines to prevent infection. All of this being said ,no one knows how and to what extent COVID-19 will continue to affect us.
Think positive and adhere to what the experts are telling us to avoid COVID-19 and stay healthy.
While London was under nightly bomb and rocket barrages in WWII, Winston Churchill said, “stay calm and carry on”. I guess this can apply to the current situation. The COVID-19 pandemic shall come to pass.
Should anyone have questions or comments please feel free to contact me.
For the Board of Directors,
Paul Barry
Where: New Orleans
When: September 27, 28, 29, 30 with departure on October 1st.
Airport Transportation: If you are flying to New Orleans, you should consider using an airport shuttle service (not the hotel's).
New Orleans Airport Shuttle - $24/person each way. They can reached at (504) 522-3500. You should book this in advance once you know your flight info.
Most taxi cabs run about $36 for 2 people
Uber and Lyft are about $33 for one person. There may be an additional charge for a 2nd person
Hotel: The Higgins Hotel New Orleans
1000 Magazine St,
New Orleans, LA 70130
Tel: (504) 528-1941
It is located in the center of the New Orleans Arts District and is a 1-min walk to the “must visit” WW2 Museum. Transportation to Bourbon Street and the French Quarter is available via the nearby Charles Street trolley, Uber or by taxi.
Room rate: $142 plus 16.2% tax plus $1 Room Occupancy fee for 2 persons
$20 plus tax charge for a 3rd person in room
You can book your reservations at the Higgins Hotel in New Orleans by clicking on the following link.
The link automatically identifies you as a member of the USS Beale.
I just made my reunion reservations arriving Sep 27 and departing Oct 1. Easiest reservation I have ever made.
If you want to call in your reservation, you should call the Higgins Reservation line at
(833) 357-1172 and tell them you are with the USS Beale Reunion.
Reservations will not be accepted after 08 AUG 2020. You may cancel your reservations without penalty up to 72 hours prior to arrival.
You are urged to make your reservations early so we can keep track of reunion attendees
Parking: Valet parking - $40 plus 12.45% tax per day with multiple ins/outs
Self Park - $32 plus 12.45% tax per day with no ins/outs
You can click on the following link for more information on the hotel:
Recreational Vehicles:
For those of you thinking about driving your RV to the 2020 reunion...The French Quarter RV Resort (FQRV) is located just blocks from New Orleans' historic French Quarter with easy access by bicycle, by car, or on even on foot. Its website is www.fqrv.com
Hospitality Room: Will be open for greetings and camaraderie with your shipmates, families and friends. Hours will vary due to other planned events. Full details are available in Plan of the Day (POD). See buttons at the end of this section for quick access to POD, MENU and REGISTRATION FORM
Annual Banquet: Scheduled for Monday evening,September 28th, preceded by a cash bar cocktail hour. See POD and MENU for details.
Auction and Raffle: Scheduled for Monday evening,September 28th, immediately following dinner. Please remember to bring items that will fit a suitcase. The items do not have to be expensive but should be something nice one would want bid on or buy a raffle ticket(s). See POD for more detail.
USS Beale Model: Bill Jones is at it again! This year's model will be smaller with as much detail as the larger models of the past.
National World War II Museum: On Tuesday, September 29th, we will tour the Museum. Easy to get to, it is across the street from our hotel. This is a must see! We will have a "chaperoned tour" by one of the Museum aides. They will show the 4D movie, Beyond All Boundaries narrated by Tom Hanks Then, we will experience: Final Mission - USS Tang submarine. Details are in the POD and REGISTRATION FORM. You can click on the following link for more info: https://www.nationalww2museum.org/
USS Beale Crew Meeting: Scheduled for Wednesday, September 30th. See POD for details.
National World War II Museum - BB's Stage Door Canteen: On Wednesday, September 30th, we we will return to the WW2 Museum for a nice lunch and WW2 ERA live “cabaret” entertainment by the Victory Belles. You will be provided with the Museum's “additional” visit ticket for entry to the Museum and Cafe. Lunch and entertainment is $34.00 per person. Additional detail is available in the POD and REGISTRATION FORM. You can click on the following link for more lunch/entertainment information:
Free Time - Our planned activities schedule gives you the opportunity to eat out in one or more of New Orleans' great restaurants and to tour the French Quarter and all it has to offer.
Please see the POD.
Eating Out - Mother's Restaurant at: www.mothersrestaurant.net is highly recommended by Diane for the best but not fancy food in New Orleans. Others include, Arnaud's, Emeril's, K-Paul, Cafe du Monde and many others. The following links should help you. Please remember some restaurants take reservations and others do not. So you will have plan in advance.
Cafe du Monde: https://shop.cafedumonde.com/
Emiril's: https://emerilsrestaurants.com/nola/
K-Paul's: http://www.kpauls.com/
Arnauds: https://www.arnaudsrestaurant.com/
On the Registration Form
Please complete and return it with your check made out to USS Beale Association Inc. no later than June 15th, 2020. The earlier the better! Should you have to change plans before September 23rd, let us know and we will refund your check.
Our 2020 Reunion should be one of the best ever.
Looking forward to seeing you in New Orleans.
Laissez les bons temps rouler!
Reunion Coordinator:
Diane Sorola
402 West Convent St.
Lafayette, LA 70501
Tel: (337) 298-3434
Email: sorolasorola@yahoo.com
Alternate contacts:
Bill Brings, boilerbum81@msn.com, (321) 473-8497
Paul Barry, ussbealeinc@gmail.com, (321)338*5753