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01_The Song of the High Seas
00:00 / 05:00
USS Beale DD/DDE-471
2022 Reunion New Orleans
New Orleans Bus Tour
Exploring NOLA on the Bus Tour was very enjoyable. First, our Tour Guide whose name I can't remember, is a native of New Orleans. and, she had extensive repertoire of "all things New Orleans.
We began at the Higgins Hotel then traveled on a wending and winding journey through New Orleans at a leisurely and informative pace so we could enjoy the particular moment in time. However, as for myself, being a Senior Citizen, much of the information is now beyond recall. Oh well, I can focus on what I do remember and "fill in the blanks''.
Click on the following link for additional detail.
Neutral Ground
When Anglophone Americans began to move in after the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, they mostly built on available land upriver, across modern-day Canal Street. This thoroughfare became the meeting place of two cultures, one Francophone Creole and the other Anglophone American. (Local landowners had retained architect and surveyor Barthelemy Lafon to subdivide their property to create an American suburb). The median of the wide boulevard became a place where the two contentious cultures could meet and do business in both French and English. As such, it became known as the "neutral ground", and this name is still used for medians in the New Orleans area.
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