The Beale and Agent Orange
In 1966, the Beale deployed to Wespac for combat duty in the waters of Vietnam. In July and August, this included Naval Gun Fire Support (NGFS) for the Marines engaged in combat with enemy forces in a coastal area from Danang north to the DMZ. In September, October and November, the Beale provided Plane Guard duties for aircraft carrier USS Intrepid CVS-11 during air-ops on Yankee Station in the Tonkin Gulf. This page deals with the Beale's presumptive exposure to Agent Orange and the toxic contamination of her crew.
It has been 50 years since the summer of 1966. And, the Department of Veterans Affairs continues to disregard Beale's presumptive exposure to Agent Orange resulting in the arbitrary rejection/denial of all claims filed by members of her crew.
Should anyone have information not on the website or should you have additional information you feel should be published, please contact us at ussbealeinc@gmail.com.
This being said, this page will serve as a repository of information regarding Agent Orange. Accordingly, the page will be a "work in progress" as updates and corrections are published. You can click on any of the links shown below or on the Agent Orange "drop town tabs" in the main menu above to access all types of information. Some links will take you to various sections on the Beale website. Others will provide links to connect you to other websites having more detailed information.