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The Scuttlebutt

Welcome to the Scuttlebutt! This is the place where you can share and refresh your memories of your time aboard the Beale. You can post pictures and text about anything related to the Beale. This could include your favorite Beale photos, questions, responses to a shipmate's questions, information you feel other shipmates would be interested in, suggestions for the website and reunions. All we ask is that your keep it "clean". This means no: email "wit & wisdom", chain letters, derogatory comments, vulgar language, pornography, business references and definitely no politics.

Do not be too concerned with spelling and grammar. Few of us are English Majors and we all have typing problems. Just go for it!

When making a post, we ask that you include your name, rank and when you served on the Beale. You can include your email address if you're posing a question and want some feedback.

It is your venue to use and enjoy!

Oh, by the way, the scuttlebutt below is not from the Beale. The pic was taken on the USS The Sullivans in 2007. Like the Beale's, it was located near the base of the ladder in the after berthing compartment. If you have a pic of bonafide Beale scuttlebutt, please post it.


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