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01_The Song of the High Seas
00:00 / 05:00
Slide Show
The Slide Show will include group photos beginning in 1976 ending in 2015. 1978 is the only "open" year as a reunion was not held. As of this writing, we need your help with the following years:
1976 - B&W photo taken from Beale Bugle. Need Better one.
1977 - need better photo, our file photo if of poor quality, i.e., out of focus and grainy
1980 - missing
By clicking on any slide, you will stop the automatic slide show and enlarge the slide you have stopped on. You can manually play the slide show by using the arrows to either side of the picture. To resume normal play, hit the ESC key.

2019 Bay City

2019 Bay City

2015 Reunion ladies

2019 Bay City
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